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雙杯單叢鴨屎香手打霸王杯 Double Cup Single Clump Duck Shit Fragrant Handmade King Cup (1000mL)
$105.00至抵四人餐 Four person package
招牌手打檸檬茶霸王杯 Ventisignature Handmade Lemon Tea (1000mL)
“實力派”檸檬茶,夠勁才過癮,一次性讓你暢飲痛快!為保證持續帶來品質好、正宗、新鮮的手打檸檬茶,因此不能去冰、少冰,敬請各位工友諒解。Lemon tea with a strong taste, satisfying and refreshing, allowing you to enjoy it to the fullest in one go! In order to ensure the continuous delivery of high-quality, authentic, and fresh handcrafted lemon tea, we cannot serve it without ice or with less ice. We appreciate the understanding of all our customers.$55.00西瓜海底椰霸王杯 Venti Watermelon Sea Coconut (1000mL)
海底椰家族新成員!西瓜+椰乳,狠狠拿捏了夏天的關鍵字!大塊西瓜果肉搗壓成甜美汁水,搭配濃郁椰乳,口感輕薄清香,是溢出螢幕的夏日美好~$55.00鴨屎香手打檸檬茶霸王杯 Ventiyashixiang Handmade Lemon Tea (1000mL)
鴨屎香獨有的花香與香水檸檬的香氣相得益彰。回甘輕盈,入口甘爽醇和,絲絲酸甜檸檬香,點綴出清爽口感。The unique floral fragrance of duck excrement complements the scent of perfumed lemon. It has a light and refreshing aftertaste, with a smooth and mellow taste, and a hint of sweet and sour lemon fragrance, which adds a refreshing sensation.$55.00
熱五窨茉莉手打檸檬茶 Hot Jasmine Lemon Tea (500mL)
易燃易燥C一杯!甄選廣西橫縣茉莉花,搭配高山高等級春季烘青茶葉,每斤大約吸納3000朵花的芬芳,歷經5次窨制,真五窨,真茶香。加入香水檸檬,入口酸甜清新,清香繞齒。鮮靈茶香,驅散秋燥,活力一整天!$36.00港式絲襪奶茶 Hong Kong-style Milk Tea (380mL)
口感順滑如絲、奶香悠長。建議正常糖(不會太甜) ;正宗港式奶茶前調微苦尾調回甘,不習慣的謹慎選擇,無論喜歡與否,我們都堅持做最純真的奶茶. The texture is smooth as silk, with a lingering milk fragrance. We recommend normal sugar (not too sweet); authentic Hong Kong-style milk tea has a slight bitterness at the beginning and a sweet finish. If you are not accustomed to it, please choose carefully. Whether you like it or not, we insist on making the most authentic milk tea.$31.00熱桃桃烏龍水牛乳 Hot Peach Oolong Milk Tea
林裏奶茶全新升級為水牛乳系列!奶源臻選廣西水牛乳,墜入桃桃烏龍茶湯,原生茶韻輕盈釋放。抿一口,茶香與果香完美融合,果味飽滿,香甜恰好。秋天的第一杯奶茶,就pick林裏水牛乳系列。受環境及天氣狀況影響,產品奶泡易消請儘快飲用,敬請諒解。$35.00熱錫蘭紅茶水牛乳 Hot Ceylon Milk Tea
林裏奶茶全新升級為水牛乳系列!臻選廣西水牛乳作奶底,融入經典錫蘭紅茶湯底,原生茶韻輕盈釋放。入口茶香馥鬱持久,與水牛乳融合得恰到好處。秋天的第一杯奶茶,就pick林裏水牛乳系列。受環境及天氣狀況影響,產品奶泡易消請儘快飲用,敬請諒解。$35.00熱梔子花開水牛乳 Hot Osmanthus Flower Infused Milk
林裏奶茶全新升級為水牛乳系列!臻選廣西水牛乳作奶底,仲夏梔子花茶湯浸染其中,原生茶韻輕盈釋放。淺飲一口,恍若穿過一場濕潤的夏季,花香淡雅,凝駐於唇齒間。秋天的第一杯奶茶,就pick林裏水牛乳系列。受環境及天氣狀況影響,產品奶泡易消請儘快飲用,敬請諒解。$35.00熱山茶花水牛乳 Hot Camellia Milk Tea
林裏奶茶全新升級為水牛乳系列!臻選廣西水牛乳作奶底,緩緩投入山茶花茶湯,製成一杯“白月光“。淺嘗奶香甜潤,茶香清麗,恍若鮮花綻放舌尖,輕柔喚醒身體裏的春天。秋天的第一杯奶茶,就pick林裏水牛乳系列。受環境及天氣狀況影響,產品奶泡易消請儘快飲用,敬請諒解。$35.00熱單叢鴨屎香水牛乳 Hot Double Duck Shit Fragrance Milk
海底椰冰檸茶 Sea Coconuticed Lemon Tea (600mL)
檸魂白月光就喝這一杯:奶fufu的醇香椰乳,搭配清香檸檬,口感絲滑香甜,宛如置身海島,冰爽解膩~ Lemon Soul White Moonlight, just drink this cup: creamy and fragrant coconut milk with refreshing lemon, silky smooth and sweet, like being on a tropical island, refreshing and satisfying~$40.00西瓜海底椰 Watermelon Sea Coconut (600mL)
海底椰家族新成員!西瓜+椰乳,狠狠拿捏了夏天的關鍵字!大塊西瓜果肉搗壓成甜美汁水,搭配濃郁椰乳,口感輕薄清香,是溢出螢幕的夏日美好~$40.00西瓜椰青水 Watermelon and Coconut Green Water (600mL)
喝杯林裏,浪到海底!大塊脆甜爆汁的西瓜,新鮮暴打,倒入鮮爽解渴的椰青水,清新香氣撲面而來,暢快爽感如同跳入夏日的海水中!加入Q彈脆波波,每一口都好有料!冰爽解渴,這一杯就是夏天頂配$36.00香檸椰青水 Lime Coconut Water (500mL)
这么yeah的天,就要喝很椰很椰,很爽很爽的香柠椰青水!林里首次推出清爽椰青水,mix精选一级香水柠檬,这对cp给我狠狠锁住!富含满满电解质,畅饮解渴,自然轻甜,释放满满活力因子~ On such a great day, let's have a refreshing and delicious Coconut Lime Water! Linli is introducing this refreshing coconut water for the first time, mixed with carefully selected premium lemon. This combination is absolutely amazing! It is rich in electrolytes, quenching your thirst and naturally sweet, releasing a burst of energy.$34.00
單叢鴨屎香水牛乳 Duck Shit Scented Milk Tea
產品描述:林裏奶茶全新升級為水牛乳系列!臻選廣西水牛乳作奶底,單叢鴨屎香茶湯闖入其中,輕盈釋放原生茶韻。濃郁奶香+鴨屎香,一口清甜嘎嘎香。秋天的第一杯奶茶,就pick林裏水牛乳系列。受環境及天氣狀況影響,產品奶泡易消請儘快飲用,敬請諒解。$35.00桂花水牛輕乳茶 Osmanthus Buffalo Light Milk Tea
金秋馥桂,一口知秋!甄選廣西金桂,搭配福建鐵觀音烏龍茶,天然桂花香與甘醇茶韻交織,清雅悠揚,芬芳撲鼻。加入全新升級的廣西水牛乳,奶香清甜。清雅桂花伴隨奶香,躍然撩動舌尖,馥鬱鮮香,甜潤舒爽如沐秋風。受環境及天氣狀況影響,產品奶泡易消請儘快飲用,敬請諒解。$35.00五窨茉莉水牛乳 Jasmine Buffalo Milk Tea
一口喝出真茉莉香!甄選廣西橫縣伏夏茉莉花,搭配高山高等級春季烘青茶葉,加入全新升級的廣西水牛乳,奶香清甜。鮮醇奶香之上綻放茉莉芬芳,輕柔治癒,如同沉浸茉莉花園。受環境及天氣狀況影響,產品奶泡易消請儘快飲用,敬請諒解。$35.00山茶花水牛乳 Camellia Milk Tea
林裏奶茶全新升級為水牛乳系列!臻選廣西水牛乳作奶底,緩緩投入山茶花茶湯,製成一杯“白月光“。淺嘗奶香甜潤,茶香清麗,恍若鮮花綻放舌尖,輕柔喚醒身體裏的春天。秋天的第一杯奶茶,就pick林裏水牛乳系列。受環境及天氣狀況影響,產品奶泡易消請儘快飲用,敬請諒解。$35.00桃桃烏龍水牛乳 Peach Oolong Milk Tea
產品描述:林裏奶茶全新升級為水牛乳系列!奶源臻選廣西水牛乳,墜入桃桃烏龍茶湯,原生茶韻輕盈釋放。抿一口,茶香與果香完美融合,果味飽滿,香甜恰好。秋天的第一杯奶茶,就pick林裏水牛乳系列。受環境及天氣狀況影響,產品奶泡易消請儘快飲用,敬請諒解。$35.00錫蘭紅茶水牛乳 Ceylon Milk Tea
林裏奶茶全新升級為水牛乳系列!臻選廣西水牛乳作奶底,融入經典錫蘭紅茶湯底,原生茶韻輕盈釋放。入口茶香馥鬱持久,與水牛乳融合得恰到好處。秋天的第一杯奶茶,就pick林裏水牛乳系列。受環境及天氣狀況影響,產品奶泡易消請儘快飲用,敬請諒解。$35.00梔子花開水牛乳 Osmanthus Flower Infused Milk Tea
招牌手打檸檬茶 Signature Handmade Lemon Tea (600mL)
香水檸檬皮裏含有苦味素,需要冰塊降低苦味素的釋放,為保證口味優先,手打檸檬茶系列不去冰不少冰,需要少冰推薦您選鮮果系列或海底椰系列 Lemon peel contains bitterness, and ice cubes are needed to reduce the release of bitterness. To prioritize the taste, the handcrafted lemon tea series is served with less ice or no ice. For those who prefer less ice, we recommend the fresh fruit series or the coconut series.$38.00單叢鴨屎香手打檸檬茶 Yashixiang Handmade Lemon Tea (600mL)
鴨屎香獨有的花香與香水檸檬的香氣相得益彰。回甘輕盈,入口甘爽醇和,絲絲酸甜檸檬香,點綴出清爽口感 The unique floral fragrance of duck excrement complements the scent of perfumed lemon. It has a light and refreshing aftertaste, with a smooth and mellow taste, and a hint of sweet and sour lemon fragrance, which adds a refreshing sensation.$38.00五窨茉莉手打檸檬茶 Five-Infused Jasmine Handcrafted Lemon Tea (600mL)
一口喝出真茉莉香!甄選廣西橫縣伏夏茉莉花,搭配高山高等級春季烘青茶葉,每斤大約吸納3000朵花的芬芳,歷經5次窨制,層層浸染,真五窨,真茶香。加入香水檸檬,入口酸甜清新,清香繞齒。細品花香清雅,茶香鮮靈,悅動的清新仿佛步入茉莉園中。$36.00梔子花開手打檸檬茶 Osmanthus Blossom Handmade Lemon Tea (600mL)
梔子花開,茶香自來!林裏應季擷取仲夏梔子花瓣,推出梔子花系列新品;梔子綠茶,沁入茶中清新馥鬱,回味清幽自然,淺飲一口,梔香茶韻,芳香如注。$36.00特濃手打檸檬茶 Extra Strong Handmade Lemon Tea (500mL)
招牌檸檬茶升級版, 茶味更濃、檸檬更多、入口更爽!·傳多冰,不能飛冰。為保證持續帶來品質好、正宗、新鮮的手打檸檬茶,因此不能去冰、少冰,敬請各位工友諒解。 Signature Upgraded Lemon Tea, with stronger tea flavor, more lemon and a refreshing taste! Served with extra ice, but no crushed ice. To ensure the consistent delivery of high-quality, authentic and fresh handcrafted lemon tea, we are unable to remove or reduce the ice. We appreciate your understanding, dear customers.$36.00桃桃烏龍手打檸檬茶 Peach Oolong Handmade Lemon Tea (600mL)
撲鼻而來的甜蜜桃香,在烏龍茶的曼妙撞擊下四處“桃”竄,香水檸檬帶出自然清新,香氣凝聚於口腔中,歸於烏龍的甘醇。 The sweet aroma of peaches fills the air, blending with the enchanting taste of oolong tea. The scent of perfumed lemons adds a touch of natural freshness, while the fragrance lingers in the mouth, attributed to the mellow sweetness of oolong.$38.00山茶花手打檸檬茶 Camellia Handmade Lemon Tea (600mL)
進入花期的秋季山茶花香,在代表夏天的香水檸檬沁香後浮現,酸甜餘味中夾帶花香的馥鬱芬芳,你會感覺舌尖也經歷了一次美妙的季節流轉,滿口盡是秋意照拂的無限溫柔。 The fragrance of autumn camellia, which is in full bloom, emerges after the refreshing scent of lemon, representing summer. With a sweet and sour aftertaste, it is accompanied by a rich and fragrant floral aroma. You will feel like your taste buds have experienced a wonderful season transition, filled with endless tenderness nurtured by autumn.$38.00
桂花甜橙檸檬茶 Osmanthus Sweet Orange Lemon Tea (600ml)
金秋馥桂,一口知秋!甄選廣西金桂,搭配福建鐵觀音烏龍茶,天然桂花香與甘醇茶韻交織,清雅悠揚,芬芳撲鼻。加入新奇士甜橙,飽滿多汁果肉,配合香水檸檬,爆發雙倍濃郁香氣。入口酸甜酣暢,頓享清新橙香,桂花餘韻綿長,秋天豐饒多彩的浪漫,盡在這一杯中。$40.00三華李冰檸茶 Sanwa Plum Iced Lemon Tea (600mL)
金秋好「李」到!三華李MIX五窨茉莉花茶茶湯,加入香水檸檬,暴打出汁,一口果香沁甜,清新滋味,游離唇齒之間。 Golden Autumn, Good "Li" Arrival! Sanhua Plum MIX Five Infused Jasmine Tea Soup, with Perfume Lemon added, vigorously juiced, a sip of fruity aroma and sweetness, refreshing taste, lingering between the lips and teeth.$36.00滿杯鳳梨冰檸茶 Pineapple Lemon Tea (600mL)
錘爆整顆鳳梨,超多果肉超多汁!精選自然熟成鳳梨,果形碩大飽滿,香氣濃郁!搭配空山烏龍茶底的鮮香,激發甘爽滋味。加入香水檸檬,多重香氣熱烈綿長,開啟明媚夏天的前奏!更推出鹹檸版口味搭配,獨特風味更加解膩,夏日搭子非TA不可!*主題杯套及周邊數量有限,售完即止;圖片僅供參考,實際請以門店出品為准。*飲用貼士:內含鳳梨類果肉,過敏及腸胃敏感者、幼兒等特殊體質者請根據自身情況購買。$40.00白葡萄冰檸茶 White Grape Iced Lemon Tea (600mL)
快樂小甜茶〈白葡萄冰檸茶〉回歸,是誰的多巴胺動了!清新酸甜的白葡萄,輔以茉莉綠茶帶來馥鬱芳香。淺飲一口,溫柔清香在舌尖環繞,簡單的清甜,久久的清香~你好,〈白葡萄冰檸茶〉又見面了。$40.00西瓜冰檸茶 Watermelon Iced Lemon Tea 600mL)
西瓜果肉與檸檬一起爆打出汁,出場自帶西瓜香味,口感清甜! Watermelon pulp is explosively juiced with lemon, bringing a refreshing and sweet taste with a hint of watermelon fragrance.$40.00橙多芬冰檸茶 Orangeiced Lemon Tea (600mL)
香橙mix香水檸檬,香橙的香味加上綠妍茶底,入口輕盈,香氣十足! Orange mix with fragrant lemon, the scent of orange combined with a green jasmine tea base, light and refreshing on the palate, full of aroma!$40.00